Losing Control and Finding God

I was a church member without much enthusiasm. I must admit that as often as not I sent my wife and our children to church while I was busy doing things at home. This was particularly true when we got a house that needed work. Then I pretty much dropped out of church life.

But one day I heard yelling coming from the back of our large lot and ran back to find one of my sons having a seizure. I carried him to the house. A doctor friend who lived nearby came. Things turned out okay. But in the midst of those moments I realized that I, who was always in control, was helpless and I prayed as I had never prayed before.

I woke up through that experience and realized that I needed to let God have control - of my life. I began to serve in the church and, because of some business skills, was asked to help in the area of finances. I knew numbers. But I learned I did not know stewardship. Stewardship is about people and ministries - not about bricks and dollars except as those enhance ministries.

I took some lay ministry training and learned how to listen and how to be comfortable talking about my faith, even comfortable reading the Bible. I came to see the need for people who will extend care and concern when others are in need. I have now called on one elderly confined couple about 120 times. I must tell you, and this is not just repeating a cliché, I get more than I give when I call on them and find myself leaving there place in a state of euphoria. Its hard to pin point just why, but something happens while we sit and talk and pray and read the Bible that heals me and energizes me even though I am supposed to be the care-giver.